Rosenkrantz is a fine and high jewellery brand founded in Tanzania in 2016 by baron and baroness Iver and Jhaleh Rosenkrantz.

Mineral Essence

For more than a decade, Iver Rosenkrantz has been mining and sourcing gemstones in some of the most remote parts of Africa. The couple’s unique access to rare and precious gemstones inspired them to create extraordinary pieces of jewellery. Working closely with artisanal miners across the world and discovering new deposits, Rosenkrantz has first-hand access to the most exquisite gemstones.

Our Legacy

The value of exclusive stone acquisition for genuine jewelry pieces. Explore our ethically acquired stones enhancing your jewelry items. Understand the artistry in each piece through our stone procurement process. Learn about the significance of exclusive stone acquisition for authentic jewelry pieces. Immerse yourself in our responsibly sourced stones that elevate your jewelry collection. Discover the craftsmanship behind each piece through our meticulous stone procurement process.

Responsible Mindset

The strategy for obtaining stones for a jewelry brand Emphasize the significance of ethical sourcing practices in the jewelry industry Elaborate on the advantages of promoting sustainable and fair trade practices in sourcing stones for jewelry production.